Sexual assault reports in US military reach record high: Pentagon

‘The Pentagon says the number of sexual assault reports it receives hit a record high last year, with an increase in the frequency of reported attacks from one in three.
The US Defense Department said on Monday that the reports of sexual assault in the US military had slightly increased in 2016 with 6,172 cases as compared to 6,083 the year before.
According to the latest data, the largest increase occurred in the US Navy with 5 percent more reports and there was a 3 percent jump in the Air Force. The US Army and Marine Corps had slight decreases.
“We see the increase in rates of reporting as an indicator of a continued trust in our response and support systems,” said Elizabeth Van Winkle, performing the duties of the US assistant secretary of defense for readiness, at a press conference.’
Read more: Sexual assault reports in US military reach record high: Pentagon

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