‘Shadow cast on Macron’: Warnings of challenges, divisions as West welcomes French election results

‘While the mainstream media is presenting Emmanuel Macron’s 66 percent win as a landslide victory for democracy, the actual range of reactions in France and across Europe appears to be more sobering, pointing to divisions in society and hostility between political camps.
The outgoing French president, Francois Hollande, who is the record holder of the all-time presidential lowest approval rating in France of 4 percent, has “warmly congratulated” Macron on his victory. Former Socialist PM Manuel Valls celebrated the 80 percent voter approval of Macron in his constituency of Ville d’Evry.
However, many French politicians were disappointed with the outcome of the election for a number of reasons.’
Read more: ‘Shadow cast on Macron’: Warnings of challenges, divisions as West welcomes French election results

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