Stockholm clinic probed for discouraging vaccination, says measles is good for child’s development

‘A children’s clinic in Stockholm is being investigated after giving parents dubious information about vaccines and advising homeopathy, leaving their young patients at risk of developing potentially life-threatening diseases, local media report.
The Allvis clinic in the Sodermalm district, which practices alternative medicine, allegedly advised parents to wait before vaccinating their child against measles, mumps and rubella, claiming that having the diseases can help along their child’s development.
At a briefing attended by a reporter from the newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN) in May, one staff member told a father asking about measles: “In the Western world you don’t die from childhood diseases.” The staffer added that these diseases can “have a positive impact on their [the children’s] personal development…”
…“Now we hear of how a children’s health center spreads fake news on vaccinations, which makes us very concerned. Child health services have a mission and it is important that they follow the existing guidelines,” Stockholm health official Anna Starbrink told TT on Tuesday.’
Read more: Stockholm clinic probed for discouraging vaccination, says measles is good for child’s development

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