Student data being sold to the highest bidder as privacy rights have gone down the drain

‘Data mining is not limited to the National Security Agency’s (NSA) tracking, storing and analyzing all of our emails, phone calls, bank and financial transactions, health records, and social media posts. But the Deep State is much more keen to uncover what they define as clandestine actions, as opposed to collecting data to sell us shiny new smart refrigerators or Kohler robotic toilets.
Collecting personal data for target marketing has developed into a multi-billion dollar enterprise tagging specific population groups to buy what they’re selling. For example, Entrepreneur suggests that when you market to 74 million retiring baby boomers, you should remember that they still “like to read.” Millennials, on the other hand, are more enticed by today’s on-demand “minimalist trends.”
But baby boomers and millennials are adults with the ability to turn off their computer and make independent decisions. For the millions of children attending public schools, this is not the case. This younger generation is fully immersed into a “Big Data” collection system while they sit with computers at their desks, reports’
Read more: Student data being sold to the highest bidder as privacy rights have gone down the drain

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