Syria’s De-Escalation Zones Explained

‘At midnight, May 5, a series of four “de-escalation zones” were implemented across Syria. According to the agreement, no warplanes will be allowed to fly missions in territories included in the designated safe zones, including Syrian, Russian, and American warplanes.
The largest safe zone is comprised of Idlib province as well as adjoining districts of Latakia, Aleppo, and Hama, an area that contains around 1 million people. Other “safe zones” are located in the northern part of Homs, East Ghouta, Daraa, and Quneitra. The “safe zones” are slated to exist for six months, with the options of extending them after that time.
Journalist and analyst with The Rabbit Hole, Sarah Abed, wrote,
The memorandum, which comes into effect on May 5, envisages the cessation of hostilities between the sides, conditions for returning refugees, the restoration of destroyed urban infrastructure and the access of humanitarian organizations. Moreover, the checkpoints to control the movement of civilians and the ceasefire regime will be created along the de-escalation zone borders.’
Read more: Syria’s De-Escalation Zones Explained

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