The abusive email that exposes how a Cameron crony acted as a bully boy for chums at tax-dodging tech giant Uber

‘Few things are more terrifying to mild-mannered civil servants than an angry dressing-down from a member of the Prime Minister’s closest staff.
Falling out with No 10 can ruin careers or condemn entire departments of government to obscurity and irrelevance.
For a brief time 18 months ago, this was the chilling prospect that faced Jamie O’Hara, Head of Government Relations at Transport for London (TfL).
The date was September 30, 2015, and he’d just sent a polite email to one of then Prime Minister David Cameron’s top aides requesting a ‘catch-up’ at the Tory conference in Manchester.
Such meetings formed an important part of O’Hara’s job at the TfL quango, which oversees the capital’s road, rail and Underground networks. It involved liaising with Whitehall over a wide range of issues — from funding major infrastructure projects to placing road-signs.”
Read more: The abusive email that exposes how a Cameron crony acted as a bully boy for chums at tax-dodging tech giant Uber 

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