The Real Reasons Why Trump Has Flipped On His Campaign Promises

‘Back in December of 2016 I wrote an article titled ‘Trump Is Exactly Where The Elites Want Him’, which I think was very difficult for a large part of the liberty movement to read and accept. In that article I outlined the future of the Trump presidency; a future dominated by Washington insiders, Goldman Sachs internationalists and Neo-Con warmongers. Trump, at the very onset of his administration, broke one of his most important campaign promises — to “drain the swamp.” Instead, he filled his cabinet with all of the same swamp creatures he originally attacked; the same swamp creatures Hillary Clinton was notorious for serving.
I also warned in numerous articles that because of this initial broken promise, conservatives should not expect that Trump would fulfill most if any of his original plans. In the BEST CASE SCENARIO, Trump is surrounded by enemies dictating policy from every corner and corridor of the White House.
This article, of course, triggered quite a bit of wrath from hardcore Trump supporters. And, of course, time has so far proven I was right yet again.’
Read more: The Real Reasons Why Trump Has Flipped On His Campaign Promises

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