Theresa May plans to call snap vote on bombing Syria after the election if Assad launches another gas attack on his people (He didn’t!)

‘Theresa May is set to call a snap vote on bombing Syria if she wins an election landslide.
The Prime Minister will urge MPs to back military action against Bashar al-Assad’s forces if they carry out another gas attack.
Last month a shocking sarin gas strike left over 80 innocent people dead in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhun.
The threat by Mrs May comes after British spies linked two Syrian generals to the attack in April, reports the Sun.
A Government source claims they are ‘99.9 per cent’ sure Assad was responsible for the horrific chemical assault on his own people.’
Read more: Theresa May plans to call snap vote on bombing Syria after the election if Assad launches another gas attack on his people (He didn’t!)

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