Theresa May pledges to massively increase defence spending after military chiefs warn UK losing the ability to fight wars

‘Theresa May has rushed out a pledge of higher defence spending, after alarmed former military chiefs warned Britain is losing the ability to fight wars.
A letter hand-delivered to Downing Street urged the Prime Minister to recognise a funding crisis risks damaging Britain’s standing on the international stage.
“The armed services are having to seek further very damaging savings in manpower, support and training at a time when the likelihood of combat operations is increasing,” the letter said.
“These realities of the security situation must be faced,” it added, listing the threats posed by President Putin’s “nuclear sabre-rattling” over Crimea and by North Korea.
The signatories – including two former chiefs of defence staff – also accused the Government of an “accounting deception” over claims it meets a Nato target to spend two per cent of GDP on defence.’
Read more: Theresa May pledges to massively increase defence spending after military chiefs warn UK losing the ability to fight wars

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