Theresa May ‘refusing to take press questions she hasn’t pre-approved’, claims Michael Crick

‘A senior political commentator has accused Theresa May of refusing to take questions from journalists unless they have prior approval to speak.
Channel 4 political correspondent Michael Crick claimed a member of Ms May’s campaign team told him not to bother raising his hand to ask a question as he “wasn’t on the list”.
He also claimed another reporter had been told journalists’ questions were being vetted ahead of campaign events, in a series of barbed accusations directed at the Prime Minister’s campaign team during an event in York on Tuesday.
“I was told by May aide I wasn’t on list to ask May a question, & there was no point in putting my hand up to ask one,” he said on Twitter.
“One reporter told me May aides made clear if he didn’t state his question in advance then he wouldn’t get a question.”
Read more: Theresa May ‘refusing to take press questions she hasn’t pre-approved’, claims Michael Crick

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