‘Top Secret’: UK Government Still Hiding Its Role in CIA Torture and Abduction

‘An attempt to prosecute former MI6 counterterrorism chief Sir Mark Allen for his role in the rendition and torture of Libyan dissidents may be heard partially in secret – the latest example of the UK government trying to prevent the full picture of its involvement in “extraordinary rendition” from becoming public knowledge.
“Extraordinary rendition” is the deliberate apprehension and transfer of detainees to foreign countries for interrogation, without legal protections from torture or other ill-treatment. During the “War on Terror” potentially thousands of people were subjected to the practice, with hundreds of CIA flights transporting rendered prisoners over and into Europe.
Concerns about the UK’s role in facilitating “extraordinary rendition” were first raised in 2005, and were initially denied, before being admitted in 2008.’
Read more: ‘Top Secret’: UK Government Still Hiding Its Role in CIA Torture and Abduction

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