Trump’s Commerce Secretary contradicts President and insists US won’t give up jobs to China for North Korea help

‘US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has said that Donald Trump is not planning on striking a deal with China that would take American jobs away in exchange for the Asian country dealing with North Korea.
Mr Ross made the comments, after Mr Trump had said he was willing to accept a less than ideal trade deal with China if they worked to deescalate tensions between North Korea and the West brought on by nuclear weapons tests. The US is having “constructive discussions” with China on trade, Mr Ross said.
“We’ve been having some very constructive discussions on trade with the Chinese in parallel” to discussions on North Korea,” told CNBC. “I think what the president was trying to say is that we’re trying to say is that we’re trying to have an overall constructive relationship with China on a variety of topics, the most pressing of which, because it directly involves human lives, is the North Korea situation. I don’t think he meant to indicate at all that he intends to trade away American jobs just for help on North Korea.”‘
Read more: Trump’s Commerce Secretary contradicts President and insists US won’t give up jobs to China for North Korea help

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