Trump’s New Secretary Of Labor Let ‘Lolita Express’ Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Off ‘With A Wrist Slap’

‘Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, confirmed to the position Thursday by the U.S. Senate, is one in a string of disputed appointees to President Trump’s Cabinet, but this contention doesn’t concern his politics, rather, it’s centered on his lax treatment of billionaire pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein.
And former Green Party candidate and U.S. Representative, Cynthia McKinney, is none too pleased with the confirmation, tweeting shortly after the news,
He let Jeffrey Epstein off pedophilia charges with a wristslap; now he’s Trump’s SecLabor….
McKinney had plenty of company in calling out Acosta’s appointment — weeks ago — but disputation over a shameful plea deal worked for Epstein’s benefit faded significantly from corporate media headlines in recent days.’
Read more: Trump’s New Secretary Of Labor Let ‘Lolita Express’ Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein Off ‘With A Wrist Slap’

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