Twitter stunned after Trump presents ‘alternative facts’ about US Civil War

‘President Donald Trump has an alternative version of US history, according to social media, thanks to his “bizarre” remarks about the Civil War and Andrew Jackson, the United States’ seventh president.
During an interview with the Washington Examiner’s Salena Zito over the weekend, Trump questioned why the Civil War happened, and said that Jackson ‒ to whom he has compared himself ‒ would have prevented the catastrophic bloodshed if he’d “been a little later.”
Historians, celebrities and the twitterverse all jumped on the remarks, which CNN’s Poppy Harlow deemed “bizarre.”
“I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn’t have had the Civil War,” Trump told Zito. As many pointed out, Jackson died in 1845, or 16 years before the so-called War Between the States began. Of course, if Trump was channeling his inner First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln, perhaps he’s been holding seances in the White House to communicate with Jackson’s ghost.’
Read more: Twitter stunned after Trump presents ‘alternative facts’ about US Civil War

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