US faith leaders unite to decry Donald Trump’s ‘weaponisation of religion’

‘President Donald Trump’s executive order on Thursday making it easier for churches to dabble in politics kept faith with his promise to evangelical Christians who helped him win the White House, but could end up benefiting his opponents as well.
Leaders of the US religious left, a rising force of opposition to Trump’s hard-line stance on immigration and healthcare, said they were poised to benefit from the move, which lifts the risk of religious groups losing their tax-exempt status if they advocate for particular candidates.
“This is going to backfire on Trump,” said the Rev. Jennifer Butler, chief executive of progressive policy group Faith in Public Life. “We are morally outraged at what is going on and we are appalled at the weaponisation of religion.”’
Read more: US faith leaders unite to decry Donald Trump’s ‘weaponisation of religion’

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