US Government To Grab $3M From Taxpayers To Propagandize Us Into Eating GMOs

‘The FDA and USDA are attempting to counter “misinformation” about GMO foods and you’re going to help them. U.S. taxpayers are to fund a government propaganda drive to persuade them to like GM foods. [1]
This is enough to spurn an already cash-strapped public, especially since Monsanto is in the midst of legal trouble and has been caught paying Internet trolls to “astroturf” the public to believing GMOs are good for the world. They already launched war on real science and Bayer has unleashed an army of farmers to “re-educate” consumers. Additionally, science has shamelessly hurdled over the line of impartial research by spending funds on figuring out how to emotionally trick women into buying GMOs again.’
Read more: US Government To Grab $3M From Taxpayers To Propagandize Us Into Eating GMOs

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