US, UK and Jordan deploy troops and tanks in southern Syria: Reports

‘Reports coming out of Syria suggest that a joint military force of US, British, and Jordanian troops, equipped with tanks and helicopters, have reportedly been deployed in the war-torn country’s southern border areas from Jordan’s northern region.
The troops are now reportedly positioned in a long strip region across the border zones of Syria’s southern provinces of Dara’a and Suwayda, from Tel Shahab rural area, just a few hundred meters from the Jordanian border, to al-Nasib Border Crossing and Khirbet Awad village.
The forces have also been seen near Ramtha, a Jordanian city, located in the far northwest of the Arab country close to the Syrian border.
The media bureau of Syria’s Joint Operation Command also released a number of aerial photos (shown below), taken by drones, which purportedly showed the presence of a large number of British Challenger tanks, UK’s main battle tank (MBT), and American Cobra and Black Hawk helicopters.’
Read more: US, UK and Jordan deploy troops and tanks in southern Syria: Reports

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