Washington Post Pushes For Overthrow Of Hungary’s Anti-Immigration PM Viktor Orban

‘The Washington Post ran a column on Wednesday pushing for the US government to punish Hungary’s right-wing government for trying to kick out George Soros-funded NGOs.
The piece, which is written by Dalibor Rohac, “a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute,” and Mate Hajba, “director of the Free Market Foundation in Budapest, Hungary,” warns Hungary is moving away from “Western democratic values.”
The pair write in The Washington Post, “How the United States can stop Hungary’s descent into authoritarianism”:
While Hungary is the United States’ friend and ally, the relationship between the two cannot be based on turning a blind eye toward each other’s failings. Under Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s leadership, the central European nation finds itself on a trajectory that is moving it away from Western democratic values.’
Read more: Washington Post Pushes For Overthrow Of Hungary’s Anti-Immigration PM Viktor Orban

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