Welcome to your jobless future… Artificial intelligence will replace half of all jobs in the next decade

‘Artificial intelligence is set to replace 50 percent of all jobs in the next 10 years, renowned technologist Kai-Fu Lee predicted. In a report published last year, Lee highlighted how artificial intelligence is starting to shape the world’s landscape. “AI is really changing every profession and every industry. There’s almost nothing that won’t be touched by AI. You could easily imagine education applications for instance — AI could replace a lot of the basic teaching functions.
Medicine and health are also key areas. AI works very hard and is very cheap. Humanity as a whole will have a lot more resources and we will probably be able to take care of everyone thanks to AI. As for human mankind, we’re probably not here on Earth to perform repetitive and non-productive tasks,” Lee said in TechCrunch.com.’
Read more: Welcome to your jobless future… Artificial intelligence will replace half of all jobs in the next decade

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