What is Happening to Katy Perry?

Katy Perry has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons, causing her fans to question her mental sanity. Is she heading towards a typical pop star meltdown?
Once in a while, a different celebrity is pushed under the “bad spotlight”, where a string of bizarre, humiliating and career-hurting things happen to them under intense media scrutiny. Over the past years, I have covered the breakdowns of once soaring celebrities such as Britney Spears, Kanye West, Shia Leboeuf, Amanda Bynes, and others. None of them fully recovered from these traumatic events. All of the them now appear completely “out of it”.
The most troubling part of these breakdowns is the fact that they are often accompanied by pictures and performances that are heavily symbolic which imply that they are under intense control … and that their breakdowns were right on schedule. Is Katy Perry heading that way? One thing is for sure, we are seeing the classic symptoms and symbolism of a classic “pop star breakdown”. The pattern is there for those who can see it.’
Read more: What is Happening to Katy Perry?

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