White House erases Trump’s call for a Muslim ban from website ‘minutes’ after reporter brings it up

‘References to Donald Trump’s promised “Muslim ban” have been scrubbed from his campaign website minutes after a White House reporter brought them up in a press briefing.
During the briefing ABC’s Cecilia Vega asked Press Secretary Sean Spicer why the Trump campaign website still calls for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” when the White House has denied that Mr Trump’s executive order to block travel from six Muslim-majority countries is a “Muslim ban”.
“I’m not aware of what’s on the campaign website. You’d have to ask them,” Mr Spicer replied.
Minutes later, the statement in question – which states “Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on” – was gone. Screenshots archived on the WayBack Machine show the page was live as of that morning.’
Read more: White House erases Trump’s call for a Muslim ban from website ‘minutes’ after reporter brings it up

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