Aid agencies encourage migrants in the Med, says Italian senator: Official accuses relief organisations of providing a ‘public transport’ service which ‘enriches’ people traffickers

‘An Italian senator has accused relief organisations rescuing migrants from the Mediterranean of operating a ‘public transport’ service that is ‘enriching’ people traffickers.
Lucio Malan said aid agencies and charities running rescue ships should stop bringing them to his country and take them to the nearest coast instead.
The senator, from the centre-Right People of Freedom party, spoke after Italy threatened to turn away charity boats packed with rescued migrants from Africa.
He claimed that the flow of migrants across the Mediterranean was so regular it was not a rescue but ‘public transport’.’
Read more: Aid agencies encourage migrants in the Med, says Italian senator: Official accuses relief organisations of providing a ‘public transport’ service which ‘enriches’ people traffickers 

David Icke – The Migrant Crisis – All Planned A Long Time Ago

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