Alarming report reveals nearly half of all Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, yet no one talks about weed killer in the food supply

‘A report by the Canadian Cancer Society revealed that nearly half of the general population may be diagnosed with certain types of cancer in their lifetime. Data from the Canadian Cancer Statistics annual report for 2017 showed that 49 percent of men and 45 percent of women were expected to develop cancer. These rates were significantly higher compared with last year’s report where 45 percent of men and 42 percent of women were likely to develop the disease.
The report showed that cancer mostly impacted middle-aged and senior patients, with the risk simultaneously increasing with age. According to the researchers, nearly 90 percent of the new cancer cases were expected to occur in people older than 50 years old. The report also revealed that 45 percent of all cancer cases in 2017 will occur in patients aged 70 and older.’
Read more: Alarming report reveals nearly half of all Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, yet no one talks about weed killer in the food supply

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