Alex Jones Blindsided Megyn Kelly

Megan Kelly got a promotion from Fox News to NBC because Donald Trump insulted her during an early Republican presidential debate. This promotion did not include an increase in wisdom. It merely gave her a larger audience for her to reveal her limitations. Her limitations are considerable.

Her latest bonehead move was to interview Alex Jones. This got her in trouble with NBC, because nobody is supposed to interview Jones. That would give him some degree of credibility. The mainstream media do not want to consider him as anyone who deserves credibility.

The mainstream media still believe that someone like Jones can get credibility only from the mainstream media. They still think it’s 1995.

Her response was this: she thinks he is despicable. She said that his view of Sandy Hook as a hoax is revolting. That bought her a little time. But time will run out on the evening of June 18, when her interview is scheduled to be run.

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Jones did what any sensible conservative should always do when interviewed by the mainstream media. He made a secret recording of the entire interview. Now he has released the entire interview on YouTube.

He says that he did not claim to believe the story that Sandy Hook was a hoax. He simply said that he had offered theories regarding Sandy Hook to his viewers.


The game the liberals play is always the same. Anything that makes a conservative’s position look sensible is eliminated by three dots. The writer gets to pick and choose what he wants to illustrate. If he wants to illustrate something that will make a conservative look bad, he will quote him. He will not mention the missing qualifications to the outrageous statements.

Some journalists will quote the conservative link. When the conservative says something sensible, the journalist then adds three dots. These indicate a break in the interview. But most journalists don’t do this. They simply enter the quotation with a quotation mark. Then they continue to summarize what the conservative really means, which is what the journalist wants the reader to believe that the conservative really means. Then he provides another brief quotation inside quotation marks. This is an ancient technique of journalists. I’ve been a journalist long enough to know that this is how the game is played.

The media have been unsuccessful in doing this to me. That is because my statements are so outrageous and unqualified in any way that they prove irresistible to Left-wing journalists. These people usually quote me verbatim. I get my point across, and they get to look like heroes for having exposed to me.

The crucial point is this: almost nobody pays any attention. Hardly anybody reads these stories. My followers rarely read these stories. Liberals rarely read them.

Here is reality: journalists don’t have much clout. I learned this 40 years ago. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but liberal journalists can never hurt me.” (You may quote me verbatim.)

In the case of Alex Jones, this is a bonanza for him. His followers are laughing derisively at Megyn Kelly. She is now under the digital sword of Damocles. If she runs her edited snippets, she will look like a fraud. In other words, she will look like exactly what she is.

On the other hand, if the network now has some junior technician frantically reinserting what Jones really said, Jones will look like a semi-reasonable fellow. Kelly will still look like a fraud, because Jones forced her hand early. He went public about the existence of his interview before she ran her hatchet job. Then he released the file.

She is now on the hook. I call it her Sandy Hook hook. No matter what she runs on her show on Sunday evening, she is going to look like a fraud. She can either be seen as a boneheaded, unwavering fraud, or she can be seen as a cowardly fraud who reinserted Jones’s qualifications, or worse, as a fraud who refuses to run the segment on Jones, despite the fact that she promised that she would.


I have been down this road before. Back in 1987, Rev. Bill Moyers planned to run a PBS show featuring me. It was going to be part three of a three-part program on PBS. It was a program on the New Christian Right. I was confident that I was going to wind up as the bogeyman of the whole series.

I was proud of the whole thing. I liked to think of myself as the bogeyman of the New Christian Right. It was good positioning back then, although nobody cares these days. I thought of myself as Jerry Falwell with footnotes.

Still, I was taught very early by R. J. Rushdoony to avoid interviews by liberals. He said they will always have the upper hand. They will get to edit whatever I say. He said that any publicity was never worth it. I believed him.

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The post Alex Jones Blindsided Megyn Kelly appeared first on LewRockwell.

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