Alex Jones doubles down on Sandy Hook conspiracy theory in ‘disgusting’ Megyn Kelly interview

‘Families from one of the US’s most notorious school shootings have reacted with outcry after NBC broadcast an interview with a leading conspiracy theorist who said the incident never happened and that parents faked their children’s deaths.
Alex Jones, host of the Infowars, has claimed over the years that the US government was involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the attacks of 9/11. He also said the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook that left 26 people dead, including 20 children, never happened.
Mr Jones has now repeated his comments, including about what he says never happened at the elementary school in Connecticut, in an interview to NBC’s Megyn Kelly. Ms Kelly, who earlier this year quit Fox News, started by asking him if he was the most paranoid person in the country.’

Read more: Alex Jones doubles down on Sandy Hook conspiracy theory in ‘disgusting’ Megyn Kelly interview

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