All Saudi Arabia’s moves benefit Israel: Iran’s parliament speaker

‘Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has slammed Saudi Arabia for working covertly with Israel, saying all Riyadh’s actions in the region serve the Tel Aviv regime’s interests and are to the detriment of Muslim nations.
Larijani made the remarks in a meeting with ambassadors of Muslim countries to Tehran on Monday.
“We have tried hard to make the Saudis understand that their measures are to the detriment of the Muslim Ummah, but they only make harsher remarks every day and engage Muslim countries,” he said.
Larijani further pointed to Saudi Arabia’s “very unpleasant” polices in dealing with regional countries, saying the Saudis exert force in Syria, attack Yemen to make it their own backyard, fuel tensions in Bahrain, and have now targeted Qatar.
“Eventually, all Saudi moves are in favor of Israel,” said Larijani, adding that they want to keep terrorists on their feet and even provide support to some terror groups such as al-Nusra Front.’
Read more: All Saudi Arabia’s moves benefit Israel: Iran’s parliament speaker

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