Another Reason To Enjoy Red Wine

Minor slip ups in memory as we age are normal, but they can still be troublesome. You forget a birthday, you can’t recall an acquaintance’s name, these little lapses in memory can make day-to-day living a challenge. Of course, if forgetfulness is a regular part of your day, that could signal mild cognitive impairment, which is a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease. But if you only have the occasional forgetfulness, it is merely age-related.

The good news is that you can very well maintain your precious memories by taking the necessary steps. Below you will find the top 10 tips in order to boost your memory. Some of these tips you may already be following, but why not add more memory-boosting tips into your life.

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10 memory-boosting tips

  • Partake in “brain games” such as puzzles, crosswords, and verbal exercises to test and work out your memory.
  • Eat a diet that promotes a healthy brain. This includes eating foods like salmon, whole grains, antioxidant-rich foods, and eating five small meals a day to prevent dips in blood sugar levels.
  • Exercise your entire body. Research has found that performing cardiovascular exercises like running or dancing increases brain size and white matter, which is necessary for memory.
  • Manage your stress as much as possible. When we are stressed, cortisol is released, which has a negative impact on memory. Meditations have been found to boost memory along with being a great stress-reliever.
  • Ensure that your iron levels are in check, as it is necessary for healthy brain function. One study found that women with low iron were twice as likely to ask more questions than women with healthy iron levels.
  • Try to focus on one task at a time rather than multitasking. When you try to take on too many tasks, your brain picks up fewer details, which increases room for error.
  • Control your cholesterol levels, as plaque buildup and damaged blood vessels as a result of high cholesterol can negatively affect the brain.
  • Take a close look at your medications. Some side effects of medications may include brain fog and memory lapses. Always speak to your doctor prior to stopping any medication—they may have another alternative for you.
  • Eat an apple a day, as they contain essential antioxidants found to assist in memory and the neurotransmission of memory. These antioxidants can also protect your brain against free radical damage.
  • Enjoy a glass of red wine (occasionally). Some research has suggested that a glass of red may protect the brain along with reducing cholesterol.

Reprinted with permission from Bel Marra Health.

The post Another Reason To Enjoy Red Wine appeared first on LewRockwell.

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