BBC pedophile exposé ignores real victims, triggers social-media firestorm

‘Although it is difficult to dispute the story’s central message that individuals who have a sexual attraction to children ‘need help,’ attempting to label pedophilia as a ‘sexual orientation’ crossed the red line for many readers.
In a recent BBC article entitled, ‘Paedophiles need help, not condemnation – I should know,’ we are ‘introduced’ to an anonymous 60-something male who opens this teary-eyed treatise by proclaiming, “It’s a long time since I’ve described myself as a paedophile. Paedophilia is a disorder, a deeply distressing sexual orientation. For me, it’s triggered by traumatic experiences in childhood.”
Did you catch it? If you blinked you missed it. Like one of those clunky bills rammed through Congress on Christmas Eve that is ‘sweetened’ with all sorts of hidden ‘riders,’ the opening line of the article declares that pedophilia now ranks – alongside hetereosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality – as a “sexual orientation.” A “distressing” one for the pedophile, no doubt, but a sexual orientation nevertheless. But that is simply wrong.’
Read more: BBC pedophile exposé ignores real victims, triggers social-media firestorm

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