Big pharma cash and hospitality to doctors rises as one in three refuses to reveal earnings

‘Cash and hospitality given by the pharmaceutical industry to doctors has increased to more than £116 million a year, despite a drive to make the practice more transparent.
Campaigners have described as “ridiculous” new figures revealing that at least one in three clinicians taking money or treats from drug companies are still refusing to publicly disclose their earnings.
Experts on Friday called for a change in the law to bring Britain in line with the US where doctors are forced to publish all potential conflicts of interest.
It is ridiculous that doctors working in the NHS are allowed to take money from pharma companies and withhold that fact from patients
Dr Ben Goldacre, Oxford University
The data was released by the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), which last year set up a searchable database of payments and benefits in kind, as well as research and development investment.’
Read more: Big pharma cash and hospitality to doctors rises as one in three refuses to reveal earnings

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