Brexit deal: Three million EU citizens allowed to stay in UK permanently – and will get same rights as Britons

‘More than three million EU nationals living in the UK will be given the right to stay permanently after Brexit and treated like British citizens, Theresa May told European leaders last night.
The Prime Minister made a “fair and serious offer” to European leaders in Brussels as she pledged that all those who arrived in Britain before she triggered Article 50 in March will be entitled to stay.
Mrs May also said that she did not want to “break up families” in a clear indication that the spouses and children of EU nationals who live abroad will be eligible to join them in the UK.
However she said it is “vital” that any deal will have to be “reciprocal” and based on the European Union granting the one million British citizens who live in the Europe the same rights.’
Read more: Brexit deal: Three million EU citizens allowed to stay in UK permanently – and will get same rights as Britons

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