Brexit: Theresa May told her plans will fail unless she ditches hard exit

‘A hobbled Theresa May has been told her Brexit plans face failure unless she rows back from the most extreme parts of her proposals.
MPs in her own and other parties warned they would oppose a move to hard Brexit after she laid out laws needed in the Queen’s Speech, without having yet secured a Commons majority.
In the House of Lords where the Tories also have no majority, rivals signalled they would use all powers in their arsenal to stop any hard-Brexit drive damaging the country.
Scottish nationalists also threatened to derail the Government’s main piece of Brexit legislation if the Prime Minister failed to obtain their explicit consent.
It comes as she fights a rear-guard action in her own Cabinet, under pressure from Chancellor Philip Hammond who is pushing for a jobs-focussed Brexit, at odds with the immigration-centred approach adopted by Ms May.’
Read more: Brexit: Theresa May told her plans will fail unless she ditches hard exit

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