Burma says it will not let outside world investigate Rohingya ‘genocide’ claims

‘Burma will refuse entry to members of the UN trying to investigate the alleged killing, violence and abuse against the Rohingya people, an official said.
The government of Aung San Suu Kyi has already said it would refuse to cooperate with a UN mission following a resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council in March.
Kyaw Zeya, permanent secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said: “If they are going to send someone with regards to the fact-finding mission, then there’s no reason for us to let them come.”
Mr Zeya added that visas to enter Burma would not be issued to any staff working on the mission.
The Burmese government has repeatedly denied claims that the Rohingya Muslim ethnic group is facing genocide in the country’s remote Rakhine State. It previously brushed away evidence of human rights violations as fake news and “propaganda”.’
Read more: Burma says it will not let outside world investigate Rohingya ‘genocide’ claims

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