Car Trouble

A car’s fuel indicator light warns us when it’s time to fill up, but how far can you push your luck before your car is really out of fuel—and should you? The amount of leeway you have depends on a car’s make and model, but according to Jalopnik, tempting fate this way could wear down your vehicle.

Gasoline makes its way from the tank to the engine via your car’s fuel pump. When you fill up your tank, gas enters the fuel pump through a part called the strainer, and moves through another round pump before finally entering the electric pump motor to cool its copper windings.

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When your car’s out of fuel, air cools the windings, instead of gas. Unfortunately, air doesn’t work as well as flowing gas does. This means that your fuel pump electric motor might overheat, causing its windings to melt, eventually damaging the device. In addition to cooling the pump electric motor, fuel also keeps its rotating parts lubricated, which prevents premature wear.

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