Care homes used the disabled as slaves: Residents forced to clean toilets – and locked in ‘punishment rooms’ if they refused

‘Care home residents with learning disabilities were used as slaves to clean toilets and locked in freezing punishment rooms for refusing.
Thirteen bosses and staff have been convicted following four trials over the past year that can only now be reported.
Victims aged 19 to 61 were forced to do housework at the understaffed homes run by a millionaire family. If they did not comply, they were locked overnight in tiny rooms with no heating or toilet and little food and drink.
One severely disabled man was shut in his own bedroom up to 20 times a day. In one five-month period he was locked in 1,329 times.’
Read more: Care homes used the disabled as slaves: Residents forced to clean toilets – and locked in ‘punishment rooms’ if they refused

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