Chief executive of Kensington and Chelsea council RESIGNS under pressure from minister over Grenfell Tower inferno and shambolic aid effort

‘The chief executive of Kensington and Chelsea Council has been forced to resign over the Grenfell Tower inferno and the ‘shambolic’ aid effort that followed.
Nicholas Holgate was effectively told to resign by communities secretary, Sajid Javid on Tuesday.
In a statement Mr Holgate said Mr Javid ‘required the leader of the council to seek my resignation’, adding it would be a ‘distraction’ if he kept his job.
‘Serving the families so desperately affected by the heart-breaking tragedy at Grenfell Tower remains the highest priority of the council,’ he said.
‘Despite my wish to have continued, in very challenging circumstances, to lead on the executive responsibilities of the council, I have decided that it is better to step down from my role, once an appropriate successor has been appointed.”
Read more: Chief executive of Kensington and Chelsea council RESIGNS under pressure from minister over Grenfell Tower inferno and shambolic aid effort

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