CNN’s Entire Russia Narrative Exposed As Fake News For Ratings

‘CNN isn’t having a good week. First, three of their top reporters were fired for poor journalism covering a story where a Trump ally, Anthony Scaramucci, was accused of being under congressional investigation which was retracted. Then, Project Veritas leaked two conversations proving CNN’s accusations of President Donald Trump colluding with Russia were baseless and for ratings.
With this one-two punch on CNN’s admitted Russian hoax they are almost certainly feeling the blowback from this latest scandal; and, according to James O’Keefe, it’s just the start of more to come. Which could include more tapes from CNN or other networks/newspapers like the New York Times.
For months Trump has accused CNN of being fake news, even singling out their reporter Jim Acosta. Monday, Project Veritas released a video of CNN’s Supervising Producer James Bonnifield who proved it beyond a shadow of doubt.’

Read more: CNN’s Entire Russia Narrative Exposed As Fake News For Ratings

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