Could you live without cash? Millions do in Sweden – where even ‘Big Issue’ sellers are ditching coins and notes. So is this how Britain will look soon?

‘As you enter the cheerful ABBA Museum building in Stockholm you are met by a 10ft-high pair of sparkly platform boots, the familiar sound of the band’s greatest hits — and a stern black and white sign.
‘Cashless Museum,’ it reads. ‘We only accept payment cards.’
The band which 40 years ago sang of their love of Money, Money, Money now seek only the plastic variety.
This cash-free crusade goes beyond the museum walls. ‘We have a vision of a cashless society,’ reads another sign hanging overhead. It turns out millions of other Swedes feel the same.’
Read more: Could you live without cash? Millions do in Sweden – where even ‘Big Issue’ sellers are ditching coins and notes. So is this how Britain will look soon?

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