Deadly mosquito-borne pandemic poses a greater threat to humankind than global war and could easily wipe out 10 MILLION, Bill Gates warns

‘A deadly mosquito-borne pandemic poses a greater threat to humankind than global war, billionaire Bill Gates warns.
In a hard-hitting new documentary, the world’s richest man said a killer bug could wipe out 10 million people without warning.
Footage seen by MailOnline, set to be aired next week, shows the philanthropist’s worries towards the danger of disease-carrying mosquitos.
An outbreak could mimic the damage of the Ebola epidemic in late 2014 or the burden of that of the deadly SARS outbreak in 2003, experts worry.
Climate change warming the planet is allowing for mosquitos to spread from their usual habitats, posing a risk to many in the northern hemisphere.
While growing populations in these dense areas and the increasing ease of global travel mean the danger of a pandemic looms large if a virus was to break out – of which the likelihood is growing.’
Read more: Deadly mosquito-borne pandemic poses a greater threat to humankind than global war and could easily wipe out 10 MILLION, Bill Gates warns

Bill Gates, The Fabian Society & The Chemical Control Of The World (2012) – David Icke

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