Desperate Letter To The Public From Political Prisoner Melanie Shaw

‘The Nottinghamshire child abuse whistleblower’s treatment in jail has once again degenerated into something out of Solzhenitsyn, or worse.
This morning, I received one of the most harrowing letters I have read in my life. It came from Melanie Shaw’s prison cell.
UK Column News stands by its description of Melanie Shaw as a political prisoner convicted of undisclosed crimes in a secret hearing.
The clarity of both her handwriting and her analysis throughout this letter reconfirms to me that she is of clear mind and is being subjected to a cynical psikhushka regime to break her spirit and discredit or delete her testimony of Establishment child abuse in the Thatcher era.
Many of the prison “staff” who have neglected, mocked and abused her (including by threatening effective rape in her cell) at various East Midlands jails appear to be private corporate employees and/or to lack any suitable warder training, and they certainly seem to have no shred of humanity or intention to abide by the common law.’
Read more: Desperate Letter To The Public From Political Prisoner Melanie Shaw

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