Did Tories break election law by canvassing voters from secret call center?

‘The Conservative Party operated a secret call center to canvas for candidates during the 2017 general election, breaking both data protection and election rules, according to an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News.
During the course of their investigation, an undercover reporter secured work at Blue Telecoms, a firm in Neath, South Wales.
In an area plagued by unemployment and low wages, the call center hired up to one hundred people on zero-hour contracts.
The investigation found the party used a market research firm to make thousands of cold calls to voters in marginal seats in the weeks before the election.
Callers were told to say they worked for a market research company called “Axe Research.” No such company is registered in England or Wales.
Call center employees working on behalf of the party used a script that appeared to canvass for support, rather than conduct neutral market research.’

Read more: Did Tories break election law by canvassing voters from secret call center?

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