Election poll latest: Theresa May will win biggest Tory landslide since Thatcher, final survey predicts

‘Theresa May looks on course for a definitive victory over Jeremy Corbyn in the general election, as the final poll for The Independent shows her party enjoying a 10-point lead over Labour.
If the figures in the ComRes poll are replicated on Thursday, projections indicate a concrete 74-seat majority – the largest the Conservatives have secured since the days of Margaret Thatcher.
But the survey also gives key insights as to where Mr Corbyn could have fallen short, despite Labour having halved the Conservative lead since the start of the election campaign.
The survey shows a majority of the public raising concerns over Mr Corbyn’s ability to pay for his spending promises and his approach to security and Brexit, while many also believe there is now a need for a new centre-ground political party in the UK.’
Read more: Election poll latest: Theresa May will win biggest Tory landslide since Thatcher, final survey predicts

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