Ford shifts production of Focus to China after Trump said he prevented Mexico move

‘Ford has announced that, beginning in 2019, most new North American Focus models will be imported from China for the first time, with additional variants coming from Europe later.
The car manufacturer estimates that by ending production of the Focus in the US and moving it mostly to China, the Ford Motor Company will save $1 billion.
“Consumers care a lot more about the quality and the value than they do about the sourcing location,” Ford’s president of global operations Joe Hinrichs said.
The same cannot be said about President Donald Trump and many of his voters who wanted to stop the outflow of manufacturing jobs from the US. On the campaign trail, Trump blasted Ford’s plans to build a plant in Mexico. Ford later scrapped the plan, prompting cheers from the president who was seemingly eager to take credit for Ford’s backtracking.’
Read more: Ford shifts production of Focus to China after Trump said he prevented Mexico move

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