Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey resigns from Church of England role after ‘damning inquiry’ found he helped protect a paedophile bishop

Lord Carey quit his Church of England role yesterday after a damning inquiry found he colluded with senior clergy to protect a paedophile bishop.
The former Archbishop of Canterbury resigned as honorary Assistant Bishop of Oxford after he was accused of helping to ‘deliberately conceal’ evidence which helped Peter Ball escape prosecution for 22 years.
Ball, the former Bishop of Lewes and Gloucester and a friend of Prince Charles, was finally jailed for 32 months in October 2015 after admitting sex offences against 18 teenagers and young men between the 1970s and 1990s.
Justin Welby, the current Archbishop of Canterbury, had asked Lord Carey to ‘carefully consider his position’ after the independent review by Dame Moira Gibb branded the Church’s response to the scandal ‘lamentable’.’
Read more: Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey resigns from Church of England role after ‘damning inquiry’ found he helped protect a paedophile bishop 

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