France plans to make 11 vaccinations compulsory for children

‘France’s new health minister wants to make 11 vaccinations compulsory for children rather than leave the decision in the hands of parents.
Currently only three child vaccinations are obligatory by law in France: diphtheria, tetanus and polio.
But new health minister Agnes Buzyn said this causes “a real public health problem”.
She wants to extend the number of mandatory vaccinations to 11 to include immunisations against conditions such as measles, hepatitis B, meningitis C, rubella, mumps and whooping cough.
At present these vaccinations are only recommended by the state and the decision whether or not to inoculate a child is left in the hands of the parents, who are often swayed by theories and scare stories about health risks of certain vaccines.’
Read more: France plans to make 11 vaccinations compulsory for children

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