Fukushima executives stand trial for 2011 nuclear disaster in Japan

‘Trials have begun in Japan for three former executives with the operator of the now-defunct Fukushima nuclear plant over alleged negligence in a 2011 nuclear disaster.
The trial in the Tokyo District Court opened on Friday, for the first time, to decide whether high-ranking officials were criminally responsible for the nuclear disaster, which was triggered by a quake and tsunami.
On March 11, 2011, an earthquake hit Japan and rocked the country for almost six minutes; the impact of the strong quake raised waves as high as 14 meters.
Within 50 minutes of the initial earthquake, the first wave crested the nuclear plant’s 10-meter high sea wall and knocked vital cooling systems offline. It caused reactor fuel rods to begin to melt down and leak deadly radiation into the surrounding area.
Although the quake-tsunami disaster left some 18,500 people dead or missing, the Fukushima accident itself is not officially recorded as having directly killed anyone.’
Read more: Fukushima executives stand trial for 2011 nuclear disaster in Japan

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