German Defence Commissioner Vows: ‘In the End There Will Be a European Army’

‘As negotiations between Britain and the EU over Brexit get underway, a senior German politician has declared that a “European Army” is inevitable.
Hans-Peter Bartels, the parliamentary commissioner for the Armed Forces, insisted: “In the end, there will be a European Army.”
Bartel alleged the age-old system of national armies accountable to national governments was “disorganised, technically fragmented and duplicate structures unnecessarily”.
He claimed Europe’s peoples “do not want to go down the solitary national path anymore. Not in Germany, not in the Netherlands, not in the Czech Republic and not in Italy.”
He added: “Every step in the right direction [towards an EU army] is important.”
Bartel’s comments follow European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announcing a European Defence Action Plan, amongst other measures to deepen EU military integration.’
Read more: German Defence Commissioner Vows: ‘In the End There Will Be a European Army’

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