Gerry Adams tells Theresa May DUP deal puts her in breach of Good Friday Agreement (said by a man you can trust, right?)

‘Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams has said he told Theresa May that she is in breach of the Good Friday Agreement.
Mr Adams, who is President of Sinn Fein, met the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street along with other senior figures in the party.
In a statement to reporters outside afterwards, Mr Adams said: “We told her very directly that she was in breach of the Good Friday Agreement, and we itemised those matters in which she was in default in relation to that agreement.”
He confirmed they had also discussed the possibility of a referendum on Irish unity.’
Read more: Gerry Adams tells Theresa May DUP deal puts her in breach of Good Friday Agreement (said by a man you can trust, right?)

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