How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes

This book reflects my views and style more than anything I have read that’s not my own. Hence the rating could not have been any different!

Economic theories need to be de-jargonized every now and then to understand the stupidity of some of the things that policymakers do or are recommended to do. Extremely few people, with many experts excluded, tend to understand the basic meaning of some their pet economic solutions or policies. Complex theories effectively lead to equivocation, obfuscation of who bears the real costs (often future generations, or disconnected people) of things that appear like free lunches or financial/economic progress. More often than not gains our of economic decisions come at extreme costs and only jargon-less observance could lead to a discussion of true cost-benefits.This is what the book tries to do for the way at least one type of economic cycle is generated in this book. One may or may not agree with the theories or conclusion, but one is unlikely to walk away without new understandings.

The book, in all its simplicity, is witty and hits home some basic truths not told in economic textbooks these days. Its scope is broad and brush too narrow as a result its simplicity becomes a hindrance. The conclusions are too sweeping and most-tellingly ignore the “time” element. This is a book more for people who want to think about the implications of economic theories on real life, for decision makers in policy but not for most financial market investors.

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