Is There A Metaphysical Aspect And Approach For Dealing With EMFs?

‘Everyone probably is familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda, the oldest form of ‘organized’ medicine on the planet—close to five thousand years before the American Medical Association and Big PHARMA.
Both those ancient healing approaches dealt with the various aspects of life and living in the third dimension such as body, mind, spirit, the ethereal body or what some call the astral body. There’s another form of healing called shamanism—an original treatment conceived by humans, which deals with similar concepts plus the concept of benevolent and malevolent spirits that apparently can impact a person’s psyche and health.
Such healthcare concepts are foreign to modern medicine, which is steeped in man-made, patented chemicals, i.e., pharmacology and toxins—something the human body did not evolve with over the course of evolutionary time and, therefore, often do more harm than good, as attested to by various class action lawsuits and the fact that 128,000 people die from prescription drugs [1] in the USA and Europe a year! Therefore, humans are at an all-time high for falling between the cracks in finding effective healthcare and practitioners, especially if one is dependent upon insurance reimbursement for medical services.’
Read more: Is There A Metaphysical Aspect And Approach For Dealing With EMFs?

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