Japanese airline forces wheelchair user to crawl on board

‘Japanese low-cost carrier Vanilla Air asked a man paralysed from the waist down to climb a ladder to enter the plane, saying safety rules prohibited him from being carried aboard. The incident triggered outrage, prompting the airline to apologize.
Vanilla Air apologized on Wednesday to the 44-year-old man for his humiliating experience last month. Hideto Kijima, who has used a wheelchair since he was 17, was traveling home from the Amami islands to Osaka on May 5 when airline staff at the check-in desk warned him that the company did not have the facilities to help him board the plane, according to NHK.
The airline also said that safety rules barred him from receiving help to board the plane, effectively telling him that “those who cannot walk, cannot fly.”’
Read more: Japanese airline forces wheelchair user to crawl on board

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